Friday, September 01, 2006

My experience in the interview

Well.. to tell the truth, I was a bit nervous about it. It was not a matter of failure to consider, but a matter of honor! I really didn’t wanna go back home and say, “ I am sorry dad! I didn’t make it! But good news is rest of the class did! Yeh!!!” Of course this also involved the little thing involving everyone in college staring at me.. whispering, “hey look at that guy! A fucking looser!”. Didn’t really have the heart to go through that.

Actually I was off to a bad start, not only did I go through 6 strokes of bad luck (Which includes 4 writtens and one mishap interview) but added to the misery by getting dysentery. You can imagine how that goes!

Well.. they asked me to wait for my name to be called. Well they must have figured I have a hell of patience, coz they made me wait for 5-6 hours! Maybe they were trying my patience or just plain playing around, but I was really loosing my cool.

So finally they got me to go inside the office. Hell!! I thought that the waiting period was over! Man was I wrong! It seems that after you are out of the big queue, they set you up in the little queue. But still I maintained my composure. After an hour they called my name, I was put in this little seat right in front of the office door. I don’t know what others were thinking but it really did seem like I was off going to get a checkup, except I was wearing a tie which was so tight, I think it permanently damaged my larynx.

It was after 5 mins, I was called in. The first thing he asked me was “tell me about yourself”, the usual question. Which, I proceeded. I don’t know why but never do I get to completely tell any of the interviewers about myself. Someone always comes and interrupts. Then he started asking me all sorts of technical questions, hitting me one after the other. Good thing was I was well prepared for it. I had a couple of days to study for it. And after seeing my project all he did was ask me from my project. All in all, I don’t think he missed anything that an interviewer asks an interviewee. I must have impressed him because he asked me to grade myself! I was a bit put off by that. But I quickly regained my composure and said “Sir! That’s really your call!” Then he gave me the form to fill up. Actually, ladies and gents that’s not where it ends! It means that I have to go for a HR interview now.

Man I was so excited so excited that it got me nervous as well. Coz, after coming this far I really didn’t want to loose out. I hurriedly filled up the forms. They asked me to wait for my name to be called. Before I continue let me say I didn’t attend the Pre Placement Talks fully. I had to go to the bathroom.

The person who was taking my HR was a lady. I thought to myself “well looks like I am in for a treat”. Man was I wrong!

She started with the usual HR questions like tell me about yourself and everything else. Then she asked me if I knew anything about the bond. The bomb was dropped, I literally shit my pants. I told her I didn’t. She asked me if I attended the PPT. I wish I could have said that I went to the bathroom! I considered the moment, the time and the person I was talking to, all of this taking into hand didn’t give me a positive vibe for saying “I went to the bathroom”. I said I had to attend a personal call. She asked what type of personal call. I said “pretty personal”. She then asked me to go find out about the bond. I wasn’t the only one who was flabbergasted, coz no one else in their entire life had to go through this ever. To add to the pain, I asked some one who had no idea about it. I should have confirmed with other people, but I was so nervous that I just didn’t. When I came back in I was asked to tell what the bond was. She was pissed with the answer. She said “I ask you to do one thing and you don’t do it right! Go find out the bond again”. This time I went out and asked everyone about it and confirmed it! When I came back in again, she asked me what I had learnt from this. To which I said “I learnt not to rely on one person”. After this she asked me why their company should hire me. To which I said “I have a lot of good ideas”. She then said “what! All half baked ideas?”. I said “No maam! Sometimes I have full-baked ideas as well!”. I think I noticed a certain smile which conveyed “ok so you can think for yourself!”. She then asked me to leave, which was more like, “thank you and fuck off!”

Before leaving for the door, from the corner of my eye, I saw her hand holding the pen about to tick the reject box. I knew should have gone home and started preparing for the next company. But something held me back!

After a while all the names were called! I don’t know if it was divine intervention or something else, but I was among the selected as well. When all the selected were called in the office, I saw the HR maam again. She had the certain smile on her face which looked like she was playing with me all along. Meaning, she knew that I was looking from the corner of my eye!

After that I ran back to hostel, called my parents. Got pretty high, woke up next morning with a smile on my face.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bumbling little Idiots

Michelangelo's Last Judgement
This is a story about the idiots who spoiled one girl's chance to get a job. Let’s call them Boo and Ba, and the 3rd mysterious, yet stupid entity is Nana. The girls name is Didi.

Usually we have campus interviews held every year, and we had to take a trip to the main campus, so that we could sell ourselves as worthy products. So that the companies hiring us would say, "Wow!! Look at that, I want one of that!”

Didi had an unfortunate start; she fell sick on the first day and couldn't sit for one of the companies. Well we didn't actually blame her for that, coz it wasn't really her fault that she got sick! But we did blame her when she didn't sit for the 2nd company. The blame shouldn't be entirely her's, because Nana took part in her mind-numbing decision.

According to Nana, the trainee for that company has to wear mini skirts! This would be valid in Bizzaro world where software companies use female employees as a weapon (in terms of sex) to sell their products. But in reality (as much as we would like it to be true!) it doesn't exist. On asking the representatives of the company, she found out that the tale isn't true. But somehow manipulative lil' Nana made her see his way.

The truth was ladies and gentlemen that Nana couldn't sit for most companies, coz he wasn't eligible. Being that, he couldn't let his girlfriend get that job and make him look like a looser. Bottom line was, if he is going down, he is gonna take someone with him to share his failure!
Boo and Ba got thru that company and so did my other friend. I was absolutely sure that Didi would have gotten through only if she had gone for the written.

Of course the most interesting part of the story was when the 4-some decided to go and see their last semester grades. Well, Nana somehow managed to check their grades. Somehow he did pretty well! In a moment of joy he decided to tackle Ba, and Ba tripped. This all took place in front of one professor. The professor immediately called them to his office and blasted them. He made the 4-some write an apology, and even threatened them, that he would send this to our director if he found them repeating such childish tomfoolery again. If that was the starter, then the main course would be when he shouted at Nana for wearing such strange clothes. Nana as everyone knows would be perfect for "Queer eye for the Straight guy" cast. He would fit right in. Of course I don't doubt his sexual orientation!( Maybe sometimes I do! But that's another story!) But the flashy clothes he wears does call for attention to the untrained eye!

Then came the 3rd comp. Nana, as I said b4 wasn't eligible for a lot of companies, still holds true. Except for one company! The 3rd one! For which he had more than enough days to prepare for, but of course he was fooling around, so he didn't get thru!

Now his time was up! He had no right to stay in the main campus, coz he wasn't eligible to write for the coming comps. This held true for Boo and Ba as well, coz they were already placed! They were officially even asked to leave the campus! But did they pay any heed to that? Nope! Not Boo, Ba and Nana, the campus was practically their playground.

In the mean time 2 things happened in their unfortunate stay here. The head official came to know of their illegal stay in campus and Nana's phone got stolen. So, Nana being the stupid yet righteous self, decided to complain to the head official.
I don't think he even got to the part where he could mention that his phone was stolen. He was asked immediately to pack his bags and leave the campus ASAP! Now the head official knew that only Nana was staying illegally, he had no idea that Boo and Ba was part of Nana's clan as well. When he saw the pair, he asked them politely as to what they were still doing here. To which Boo replied almost innocently, "We are just waiting for Nana to be placed"
Now, I don't think even I was ready for the fiery exchange that followed! Now all the 3 had to leave the campus by next morning!

Now Didi was almost prepared for the 4th company. I think she went through all the subject s that were taught from the 1st semester. But as I came to know later, she packed her bags and left without appearing for the 4th company because the pair and Nana had to leave! This was really sad. Because, I got through that company! But I knew from the bottom of my heart that Didi could surely have gotten through!

And to top it all, Nana blames all this on a conspiracy! He believes that the entire world is out to get him. What the hell! Some people just don't get it!

Here endeth the saga of the bumbling fools!

Why I want to blog?

Many would ask me this question..., as to why I should blog? More importantly I would ask myself the question as to, why I should share my life with everyone! The simple reason being that,... so many weird stuff has happened to me throughout my life, and most of the time, I end up being the only one who has the key to puzzle!

The problem is that, I cannot keep these secrets any longer! I have to get it off my shoulders! So here it is.. for those unfortunate surfers who happened to come across my page by mistake! The dirty little secrets!